Who We Are
CHF Mission
Through financial and other support, to preserve and create housing options that are affordable for households with a wide range of limited incomes, and thus protect the diversity of our community.
About CHF
Concord Housing Foundation was established in 2001 as a non-profit 501c3 corporation dedicated to community outreach, education, and fundraising for affordable housing. It was originally created to support the Concord Housing Trust, whose functions have now been assumed by the Concord Housing Development Corporation (CHDC) and the Concord Affordable Housing Trust Fund, created by vote of Town Meeting in 2019.
Please see below for a list of the Concord Affordable Housing groups.
Affordable Housing Groups in Concord
Community Preservation Committee (CPC)
> One source of funds for affordable housing
Funded by a1.5% surcharge on Concord property taxes. Can fund affordable housing and historic preservation as well as open space/recreation. Provided partial funding for the purchase of the Assabet Bluffs property for conservation and affordable housing.
Concord Housing Authority (CHA)
> The landlord
Owns and administers publicly owned affordable rental units such as Everett Gardens and Peter Bulkeley Village, as well as smaller scatter-site homes across the Town.
Concord Housing Development Corporation (CHDC)
> The developer
Town created agency which can hold land and contract for affordable housing development on these lands. Currently holds the Junction Village property (next to the prison), as well as the housing portion of Assabet Bluffs.
Concord Housing Foundation (CHF)
> Non-governmental organization dedicated to preserving and creating a diversity of housing options
Seeks to enable people across the income spectrum to live in Concord. Provides public education and advocacy, and sometimes seed funding for affordable housing projects.
Concord Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (CMAHT)
> The bank
Created by statute to hold and distribute funds for affordable housing in town. Currently administers funds from Town appropriations and some Community Preservation allocations. If the real estate transfer fee and building permit surcharge pass the Legislature, these funds will go into CMAHT. Can expend funds without waiting for the Town budget/Annual Meeting cycle.
Regional Housing Services Office (RHSO)
> The experts
The Regional Housing Services Office (RHSO) is a collaboration structured through an Inter-municipal Agreement (IMA) to provide the member towns of Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Maynard Sudbury, Wayland and Weston with technical assistance with affordable housing matters. Concord is now the lead community, hosting the RHSO Office. For the participating towns, RHSO provides monitoring services, inventory management, HOME Program administration, and local support for community specific initiatives. The RHSO also provides support to individuals searching for or residing in affordable housing and to property managers leasing units of affordable housing. The RHSO website, , provides information on resident services, housing inventories and contact information for new affordable housing opportunities.
Concord Housing Foundation (CHF) Officers and Board
Board of Trustees
Frank (Rich) Feeley, President
Nancy McJennett, Clerk/Treasurer
Steve Carr, Assistant Treasurer
Lise Holdorf, Assistant Treasurer
Holly Darzen
Lucy Goldstein
Alex Hassinger
Charles Phillips
Moira Walsh
Win Wilbur
Advisory Board
Ray Andrews
Stephan Bader
Carrie Flood
William McIlwain
Alec Walker
Concord Housing Foundation is a a non-profit 501c3 corporation dedicated to community outreach, education, and fundraising for affordable housing.
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